Commander of 329th Logistics Suport Group Brăila
Captain Commander
He was born on October 16, 1973, in Ciocănești, Călărași County.
He graduated from the Military High School "Dimitrie Cantemir" in Breaza, in 1992, and the Naval Academy "Mircea cel Batran", Specialty - Artillery and naval missiles, in 1997, being assigned to the Division 94 River Armored Star of the 24th Brigade Fluvial, where he held the position of second officer River Armored Star (1997-1998) and commander of River Armored Star (1998-2001).
During 2001-2002, he served as officer 4 (with effective records) in the 94th River Armored Star Division, and in 2002 he was transferred to the 88th River Dragon Star Division where he served as the Star River Dragon Star commander until 2003.
Since 2003 he has held the position of logistics company commander within the River Flotilla, and since 2005 he has been transferred to Logistics Section 329 as a group commander of special ships and logistical support.
On 01.01.2015 he was empowered to ensure the attributions of the position of Chief of Staff in Logistics Section 329, and on 01.10.2015 he was appointed as Chief of Staff within the same structure. On 01.07.2021 he was appointed to command the Logistics Section 329 of the Naval Logistics Base "Pontica".
In his almost 25 years of activity, he perfected his professional training by graduating from the advanced course "Using the ship in combat" (2001), the French language course (2002), the staff course for Naval Forces officers ( 2008), of the specialization course in working with ammunition (2015) and of the postgraduate course of continuous professional development “Leadership - Naval Forces” (2016).
As a sign of appreciation, for the proven professionalism and for the remarkable results obtained throughout his career, he was awarded the following orders and medals: Honorary Sign "In the Service of the Fatherland" for 15 years of activity, Honorary Sign "In the Service of the Fatherland" for 20 years of activity, the Title of “Veteran”, the honorary sign “In the Service of the Fatherland” for 25 years of activity.
He is married to Dorina and they have a son together, Adrian Constantin.