Commander of the 88th Riverine Patrol Boat Squadron
Captain (N)
Antoanel-Marian VĂTAMANU
He was appointed commander of the 88th Riverine Patrol Boat Squadron on April 1, 2022.
Previously, starting on October 1, 2018, he served as deputy commander of the 88th Riverine Patrol Boat Squadron.
Throughout his military career, between 2009 and 2018, he held several leadership positions, such as chief of staff at the 325th Logistics Section, Tulcea and the position of commander of the Tulcea County Military Center.
He is a graduate of the "Mircea cel Bătrân" Naval Academy (Graduation 1995) and the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Naval High School in Constanța (Graduation 1990).
The first position in his career was that of the commander of the artillery and underwater weapons combat unit at Dragorul de radă 28 (July 1995-September 1995), after which he was appointed second officer on Dragorul de radă 18 of the 174 Dragorul de radă Squadron (September 1995-September 1997).
Between 1997 and 2001, he successively performed the functions of star river dragoon commander and staff officer in the combat training office of the 88th Riverine Patrol Boat Squadron, and, later, the functions of staff officer in the operations office of the Riverine Flotilla (2001 -2004), staff officer within the Naval Forces General Staff (2004 – 2007) and staff officer positions within the Operations Directorate of the General Staff (2007 – 2009).
In the almost 30 years of activity, he perfected his professional training by graduating from the general staff course (2002), the post-graduate course for professional development in Naval Forces leadership (2014), the master's degree program for inter-arms leadership - Naval Forces (2019) and the communication and public relations course for commanders of large units and commands (2021).
As a sign of appreciation, throughout his military career, he was awarded the following orders and medals: Honorary sign "In the Service of the Fatherland" for 15 years of activity (2008), Honorary sign "In the Service of the Fatherland" for 20 years of activity (2013), the honorary sign "In the Service of the Fatherland" for 25 years of activity (2018), the Emblem of Honor of the Naval Forces (2019) and the Emblem of Honor of the Defense Staff (2021).
He was born on April 2, 1972, in Pechea, Galati county.
He speaks English fluently.