Commander of 256th Group of Helicopters
Commander (N)
Bogdan-Eugen CURCĂ
(2019 -)
He was born on July 13, 1979, in Ștefănești, Botoșani County.
He graduated from the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Military Naval High School, and in the period 1998-2003, he attended the courses of the “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Faculty of Navigation. After graduating from the Naval Academy, he served as commander of the 84 Star River within the 94 River Star Division. In March 2005, he was appointed Commander of River Star 9 of the 88 River Star Division.
In the autumn of 2005, he participated in the selection process for future helicopter pilots from naval officers. After the "caudine forks" of the selection process from a total of 40 "aspirants", he is declared admitted and, between December 2005 and July 2006, he followed the "Training course for military helicopter pilots from naval officers", organized by the “Aurel Vlaicu” Air Force Application School from Boboc, Buzău County.
On July 6, 2006, he received his military pilot's license, and as of December 1, 2006, he was appointed Instructor with Flight Methodology and Safety in the Helicopter Group. In 2007, he follows, in the United States, the "Advanced Flight Safety Course", and the professional training is completed, in 2011, by completing the "Air Flight Course" and the "Flight Instructor Initiation Course".
In 2018, he graduated the master's courses of the Faculty of Command and General Staff, specialization "Joint Command, Naval Forces" at the National Defense University "Carol I" Bucharest. After graduation, he was appointed deputy commander of the 256th Group of Helicopters. By Order of the Chief of the Defense Staff, on November 1, 2019, he was appointed commander of the 256 Helicopters Group. He participated in missions, operations and exercises, aboard the frigates T22, fulfilling the duties of deputy commander of the flight, commander of the Aviation Combat Service SL-V and chief pilot.
As a sign of appreciation, for outstanding results, obtained throughout his career, he was awarded the following badges and medals: Honorary Sign "In the Service of Country" for 15 years of activity, Emblem of Honor of the Naval Forces, Emblem of Honor of Air Force and The Common Security and Defense Policy Service Medal.
He is fluent in English.