
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

Master Chief Petty Officer
Gheorghe-Marius IRIMIA

Master Chief Petty Officer Gheorghe-Marius IRIMIA was appointed to the position of Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy on July 1st, 2023.

Previously, he served as a staff master chief at the Naval Forces’ Training, Simulation, Evaluation, and War Games Centre from 2008 to 2023, where he planned, organized, and conducted numerous training and evaluation activities as an instructor-evaluator with military ship crews. He also coordinated the execution of operational training for personnel and structures of units within the Naval Forces, as well as the national evaluation and certification of capabilities designated to carry out missions under NATO or EU command.

He graduated the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at "Tomis" University in Constanta, in 2020, from which he holds a degree in economic sciences. Previously, he graduated from the Giurgiu Industrial Maritime High School in 1991, and in 1994, the "Amiral Ion Murgescu" Military School of Navy Petty Officers in Constanța, in Underwater Weapons specialty.

Upon graduating from the military school, he was assigned as the commander of the anti-submarine group on board the Base Minesweeper 14 of the 146th MCM Squadron. Due to his proven leadership abilities, he was promoted as boatswain in 1999.

He then moved to 24 Minesweeper of the 146th MCM Squadron, where he served as the commander of the mine-sweeping group, from 2001 until 2008. During this period, he participated in multiple international missions with various ships, most notable being missions within the NATO Standing Naval Group – SNMG-2 (Standing NATO Maritime Group Two) and the NATO Operation SEA GUARDIAN, on board the "Regele Ferdinand" Frigate in 2018 and 2021, and the "Regina Maria" Frigate in 2020.

In 2010, he attended and graduated the United States Navy Senior Enlisted Academy in Newport, Rhode Island, becoming the second master chief from the Romanian Naval Forces who graduated this institution. Additionally, in 2010, he was certified as a NATO operational capabilities evaluator after completing the ACO Maritime Evaluation Course (MAREVAL) organized by NATO MARCOM in Naples, Italy.

Throughout his career, he further enhanced his professional training by completing other courses, such as: underwater weapons specialization course (1999); advanced English language intensive course (2005); intermediate level course in occupational safety and health (2008); leadership courses – NCO Development (2010); class C and D boat operator course (2022).

In recognition of his outstanding contribution and effective fulfillment of assigned missions, as well as his demonstrated professionalism and responsibility, he has been awarded the following national decorations and honorary titles: Naval Forces Emblem of Honour (2020); Emblem of Merit "In the Service of the Romanian Military" Class II (2011); "Maritime Virtue" Medal Class III (2023); Honorary Title of Veteran (2021); Honorary Sign "In the Service of the Homeland" for 15 years of service (2009); Honorary Sign "In the Service of the Homeland" for 20 years of service (2014); Honorary Sign "In the Service of the Homeland" for 25 years of service (2019). He also placed second in the "Master Chief / NCO of the Year 2016" category in the "Person of the Year 2016 in the Naval Forces" competition and second in the "Image and Visibility of the Romanian Army and Naval Forces" category in the "Person of the Year 2010 in the Naval Forces" competition.

The League of Naval Petty Officers awarded him the "Person of the Year" prize in 2016 and the "Miron Domnaru" prize in 2023 as a sign of appreciation.

Master Chief Petty Officer Gheorghe-Marius IRIMIA was born on August 23, 1973, in Buzau County.

He is married and has one child.

He speaks English fluently.