Chieff of Staff, Fleet Command
Captain(N) George-Victor DUREA
Captain(N) George-Victor DUREA was born on February 8, 1975, in Târgu Bujor, Galați County.
For 18 years, he held various positions on board ships of the Romanian Naval Forces. As a graduate of the Naval Academy, year 1998, he was appointed as commanding officer of fast boat for divers ”MARTE”. After 6 years, he had the command of a larger diver ship, ”VENUS”. In 2005, he was appointed commander of the navigation service at the school ship and logistical support "Constanța". During 2007-2016 he served on the Frigate ”Regele Ferdinand” as officer of the watch, navigator and principal warfare officer, participating in NATO operations ”Active Endeavour” and ”Unified Protector”, and EU operation ”Atalanta”. After his ashore appointments as a bureau head in the Radio-electronic and Surveillance Brigade and the Maritime Component Command, starting with the 15th of January 2020 he was appointed as commanding officer of the Frigate ”Regele Ferdinand” – 221, and in 2023 he participated in operation EUNAVFOR MED ”IRINI”.
Starting with January 15, 2020, he has been temporarily appointed as chief of staff at Fleet Command.
He holds a master’s degree in Joint Command and his education also includes Department Head Course (International Surface Warfare Officer School, USA, 2009), Defense and Operational Planning Course (Defense College of Netherlands, 2005) and training tours on French and Italian ships.
He is fluent in English and French.
He is married to Alina-Louisa and together they have two daughters and a son.