
Historical overview

In 1983, on 30.03.1983, by merging several units and sub-units from the Mangalia and Constanța garrisons, the 330 Repair and Supply Base was created, a logistics unit whose attributions were to ensure the logistics of the units of the 42 Maritime Division.

The initial structure was as follows:
- command;
- Auxiliary Ships Division;
- the section for repairing ships and combat equipment;
- the section to repair, check and prepare the torpedoes;
- section for repairing, checking and preparing rockets;
- plan-supply section;
- security company;
- security and supply company.

At that time, the missions were complex, taking into account the organization and the units assigned for insurance.

The insurance units were the following:
• in the Mangalia garrison:
- Commander 42nd Maritime Division;
- 78th Submarine Hunting Division;
- The cruiser "Marăşeşeti";
- Division 19 Dragoare de Rada;
- 207 Genius-Navy Company;
- Company 292 Anti-Chemical Protection;
- 160 Coast Artillery Division;
- Battery 508 Coastal Missiles.
• in the Constanta garrison:
- Submarine Hunting Division;
- The 159th Division of Base Dragoons and Mines and Nets;
• in the Midian garrison:
- The "Dolphin" submarine;
- Division 176 Maritime Dragoons;
- Division 339 Submarine Hunting;
- 545 Coast Artillery Division.

On 01.03.1996, a new state of organization came into force, and the new name of the unit became the 330 Logistics Base. The main structural change was the removal of the section to check and prepare missiles from the peace compound.

In the period 1996 - 2002, various changes of functions were made in the state of organization.

The unit was of great importance in the transformations brought to the Romanian Navy, after the revolution from December 1989 to 2002, such as:
- abolition and restructuring, ship and land units (Coastal Artillery Divisions, maritime brigades and fleets, ship divisions, Navy Training Center);
- establishment of new units: Maritime Fleet, Naval Operational Command, 1st Maritime Base, Frigate Flotilla;

Starting from 01.09.2002, the 330 Logistics Base was restructured and became the 330 Logistics Section with a much reduced organization and attributions. Starting with this date, the redeployment of the unit from the Mangalia garrison to the Constanța garrison began, respectively in barracks no. 362 Constanta, the current location of the unit.

Between October 2002 and October 2004, the command of the 330 Logistics Section carried out its activity in the same building as the Naval Base Command, later it moved to barracks no. 362 Constanţa, in pavilion H3, where it is still at present.

Starting from 2004, the 330 Logistics Section had tasks in the organization and establishment of the 56 Frigate Flotilla. In 2005, the section was assigned the task of logistical support to the Naval Operational Command, later transformed into the Fleet Command.

Starting from 2007, the 330 Logistics Section also provides logistics support to the 256 Helicopter Group of the Naval Forces, deployed in Tuzla, subordinate to the 56 Frigate Flotilla.

On 01.06.2010, the state of organization entered into force by which the 330 Logistics Section is subordinate to the 340 Mixed Murfatlar Warehouse.

Starting from 31.12.2016, according to the provision no. G/0118 of 02.11.2016 The 330 Logistics Section is reorganized and on 01.08.2017 the support company for Group 256 Helicopters is removed from the state organization and takes over the logistical support of Division 130 Logistics Support Ships within the 56 Frigate Flotilla.

The missions and objectives of the Naval Forces, correlated with the current requirements and needs, have determined that on 01.09.2022 the 330 Logistics Section will transform into the 330 Logistic Support Group, at regimental level, according to the Defense General Staff Disposition no. G1-01085 of 29.07.2022.

In accordance with the approval of the Minister of National Defence no. N1-1386/14.02.2024, the Honorary Title „Palazu Mare” is granted for the 330 Logistic Support Group and the adoption of the spiritual patron „The holy emperors Constantine and Helena”.

The 330 Logistic Support Group „Palazu Mare” is a command and execution structure, subordinate to the command of the "Pontica" Naval Logistic Base, which ensures, in peacetime, in crisis situations and in war, the necessary logistical support for the Naval Forces units in its area of responsibility, in for the purpose of preparing and carrying out military actions, respectively the Command of the Naval Logistics Base "Pontica", the Fleet Command, the Command of the Flotilla 56 Frigates, the "King Ferdinand" Frigate, the "Regina Maria" Frigate, the "Mărăşeşti" Frigate, the 256th Helicopter Group, the 146th Division of Minesweeping Ships and Naval Forces Training, Simulation, Evaluation and War Games Center/